About Us
Trendy Furbabies was launched locally in Perth, Australia in May 2017. Our goal is to provide Australian handmade and affordable pet accessories, brain stimulation toys and gifts for every furbaby and their 'hoomans.' We strive to create unique and reasonably priced items that allows your furbaby to jump onto the trendy band wagon without breaking the bank.
We also aim to raise funds for a number of animal rescues, to help give back to the animal rescue community. We do this by donating $1 from every online transaction each month to a selected animal rescue and donating products all year round for raffles and prizes in rescue fundraisers.

The Hounds Behind the Humans
Milo & Ella
Milo is Trendy Furbabies fashionista. He loves being the center of attention and showing off how trendy he can be. Everything has the stamp of approval from Milo before being released to you.
Ella is our toy tester. She makes every single one of our ideas go through her tough scrutiny before she allows them to be uploaded online. Ella loves her snuffle mat & balls and recommends them for any pupper that wants some extra brain stimulation. Keep up to date with Milo and Ella's adventures on instagram @Trendy_Kelpies
Trendy Furbabies Founder, Sharna
I am a part time student at Curtin University studying a double degree in marketing and advertisement. I work two jobs along side running Trendy Furbabies, and volunteer my Fridays to helping Perth Rescue Angels. I have always had a passion for animals and being able to spend a lot of my time surrounded by them, and being able to give back a little something to rescues is a bonus!
After researching ideas for brain stimulation and entertaining our two kelpies we created our own snuffle mats and then expanded into our handmade accessories and other goodies. I strive to make affordable and beautiful items for you and your pet, and look forward to helping you make your ideas or custom orders come true.